


The Yuba County Democratic Central Committee operates under a set of Bylaws, which outline the rules that govern the conduct of our organization. — Adopted 7/23/19 and updated and approved 7/10/22


The California Democratic Party (CDP or Party) is committed to providing a welcoming, respectful, friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free
environment for members, employees, and all others associated with the CDP.  The CDP expects all leaders, members, employees, and others associated with
the CDP to act professionally, respecting the personal rights and dignities of all individuals involved with the Party so as to create a productive, inclusive
environment for everyone. The CDP also expects all such individuals to alert Party leaders and/or the Party Ombudsperson of a perceived violation of this
Code and to cooperate in an investigation of a potential violation.

The CDP’s expectations are not limited to CDP conventions and other meetings. Conduct in violation of this Code will not be tolerated at any and all events
sponsored by or having an official connection with the CDP, as well as in any CDP office and in any call, text, or email, or on any digital communication
platform or social media, that occurs in the context of conducting CDP business.


All individuals should feel welcome and safe within the CDP, regardless of their sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation,
pregnancy/reproductive status, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, religion, caste, creed, age, disability, health status, marital status, military or
veteran status, body size, physical appearance, domestic violence victim status, social or economic status, or any legally protected classification or characteristic.

The CDP will not tolerate harassment and prohibits the creation of hostile conditions — that is, disrespectful or unprofessional conduct — based on any of
the aforementioned categories. The manner of any such prohibited behavior includes verbal conduct, whether spoken or written (such as slurs, jokes, insults,
remarks, epithets, teasing, yelling, foul or profane language, emails, posters, leaflets, internet posting, slander, etc.), visual conduct (such as the wearing,
posting, or distributing of offensive symbols, pictures, cartoons, drawings, and computer displays, leering, gestures, libel, etc.), and physical conduct (such as
gestures, blocking someone’s way, assault, invading someone’s space, unwelcome touching, etc.).

 The CDP emphasizes that it will not tolerate sexual harassment, that is, conduct based on sex or of a sexual nature. Prohibited sexual harassment may include the actions described above, as well as other unwelcome sex-based conduct, such as unsolicited sexual advances or unwanted contact (such as kissing, hugging, neck-rubbing, an overlong handshake, etc.), requests for sexual favors, conversations regarding sexual activities, or other verbal, visual, or physical
conduct or contact of a sexual or sexually suggestive nature.

The CDP prohibits quid pro quo sexual harassment, such as when submission to sexual conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an
individual’s membership in the CDP or an appointment to a CDP committee, to CDP leadership, or to another role within the CDP; or submission to or rejection
of sexual conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting that individual.

The examples above are just that—examples. In general, any conduct that is based on one or more of the protected classifications listed above that could
interfere with an individual’s participation in the CDP or could create an offensive, unsafe environment will be considered harassment in violation of this
Code of Conduct. This is the case even if the offending individual did not mean to be offensive. It is essential that we all are sensitive to the feelings of others.


Retaliation for good faith reporting of behavior that may violate this Code of Conduct, or for participating in an investigation into a potential violation, is

Retaliation may include, but is not limited to, exclusion from meetings, committees, or opportunities for advancement and full participation, ostracism,
bad mouthing, or other conduct that may discourage engagement with the CDP, or that would be reasonably likely to deter a reasonable person from reporting a violation of this Code or participating in an investigation of a potential violation.


Anyone who experiences, witnesses, or learns of a perceived violation of this Code should promptly report it either to a Party leader or to the Party
Ombudsperson. A Party leader who receives such a report must promptly report it to the Party Ombudsperson. The Ombudsperson will decide whether to initiate an investigation and remains available to the reporter throughout the investigation process and will oversee any investigation that ensues.


A violation of this Code of Conduct may result in sanctions including but not limited to private censure, public censure, being prohibited from attending Party
events, and removal from a CDP office and/or delegate status.


Party-affiliated clubs and organizations are encouraged to adopt this Code of Conduct or a code similar to it. However, the procedure for reporting a violation
of such a code, the responsibility for investigating and enforcing it, and the consequences for violating it must be established by the club or organization
independently of the CDP and its procedures and ombudsperson.