Table of Contents
ARTICLE I: Name, Organization and Purpose
ARTICLE II: Membership
ARTICLE IV: Officers and Duties
ARTICLE V: Meetings
ARTICLE VI: Removal of Members and Officers
ARTICLE VIII: Resolutions
ARTICLE IX: Endorsements
ARTICLE XI: Rules of Conduct
ARTICLE XII: Other Organizations and Chartering Process
ARTICLE XIII: General Policies
ARTICLE XIV: Amendment of These Bylaws
ARTICLE XV: Severability
The name of this organization shall be The Yuba County Democratic Central Committee (YCDCC), also known as YubaDems. These names shall be interchangeable in public or to itself. This organization shall serve as the official Democratic Party in Yuba County.
The purpose of the YCDCC is to promote the growth and development of the Democratic Party within Yuba County; to actively support Democratic candidates for national, state, county, and local offices; to charter and assist local Democratic clubs; to register Democrats to vote; to raise funds for endorsed Democratic candidates, and to carry out Democratic Party campaigns in any requested manner that is practicable.
The membership of YCDCC shall consist of the following persons who are registered to vote as Democrats in Yuba County. Members of the committee shall be composed of regular members, appointed members, alternate members and Ex-Officio members.
SECTION 1.1 REGULAR MEMBERS shall be elected as specified by the California Election Code. This election shall take place at the Presidential primary election. Elected members shall serve from the reorganization meeting of the committee held following certification of the presidential election. They shall hold office for four years.
SECTION 1.2 APPOINTED MEMBERS: A vacancy on this Committee shall be deemed to exist in the event of the appointment or election of any ineligible person, or whenever any member dies, resigns, becomes incapacitated to act, ceases to be eligible, or is removed from membership, or when all possible positions allowed have not been filled by regular members according to SEC 1.1 above. Appointed members require the approval of the whole Committee in attendance at a general meeting.
SECTION 1.3 ALTERNATE MEMBERS: Each regular/appointed member and ex-officio member may appoint two Alternate members within 30 days of the election or appointment to the Committee. If these appointments are not made, the Committee Chair may appoint Alternate members with the approval of the whole Committee. Alternate members must reside in the same supervisorial district as the regular/appointed member. Regular/ appointed members and ex-officio members shall designate one alternate as the first alternate who shall be eligible to vote in the absence of the regular/appointed/ex-officio member. The second alternate shall be eligible to vote only in the absence of both the regular/appointed/ex-officio member and the first alternate.
SECTION 1.4 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: The following persons are Ex-Officio members of the YCDCC:
1.4.1 The top vote-getting Democratic candidate in each election for State or National office residing in Yuba County, who is not otherwise a member.
1.4.2 Each member of the Democratic National Committee registered to vote in Yuba County who is not otherwise a member.
1.4.3 The Regional Director of the California Democratic Party for Yuba County who is not otherwise a member.
And all those allowed by California Election Code Sec: 7206
Ex-Officio members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, including the right to vote, and shall have the same standing in every way as other members of this Committee, except they shall not be entitled to a ballot designation of incumbent upon seeking election to this Committee in the next presidential primary.
SECTION 1. Regular, Primary Alternate and Ex-Officio Members are voting members of YCDCC. Secondary Alternate Members may exercise the vote of the members who appointed them or the corresponding Primary Alternate Member when either the appointing member or the corresponding Primary Alternate Member is not present.
SECTION 2. Proxies may be designated by voting members, as follows:
2.1 The proxy is designated in writing for a specific meeting of YCDCC, signed and dated and given to the Secretary prior to or during the YUCDCC meeting in which the proxy is to be exercised.
2.2 The proxy can be given to any registered Democrat who is a resident of Yuba County in the same supervisorial district as the member giving the proxy.
2.3 A proxy may be designated by any voting member for no more than two meetings of YCDCC in any one calendar year.
SECTION 3. No endorsement vote shall be taken by secret ballot.
SECTION 4. Voting shall be in person at any meeting of the Committee or may be via electronic means.
All officers shall be elected at the first regularly called meeting after the general election for President and shall serve for a term of four years.
2.1 Chair: The Chair of this Committee shall be the chief executive officer and the official voice of the Committee. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall set the agenda for all regular meetings. The Chair shall appoint such ad-hoc committees as needed or directed by the Committee; any such ad-hoc committee shall consist of three members. The Chair shall organize any coordinated campaign for Yuba County on behalf of the Democratic Party nominees. The Chair shall be authorized by YCDCC to open and/or close all financial accounts. The Chair shall be the primary signatory on the financial account(s) of the Committee in conjunction with the Treasurer and may designate another officer to sign checks in situations where the Chair or Treasurer is not available. The Chair shall carry out such other duties as requested by the Committee.
2.2 Vice-Chair: In the absence or unavailability of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall call the meeting to order and serve as presiding officer. The Vice-Chair shall have and exercise all powers and duties of the Chair for meetings over which he or she is called to preside, including executing official committee records and documents, and at official functions, which the Chair cannot attend.
2.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain a roster of all committee members, and chartered Democratic organizations, and their officers and members. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Committee, and other documents that must be retained on a permanent basis. The Secretary shall mail the minutes to all members not later than 4 days prior to the next meeting of the Committee. The term mail shall include transmission by electronic means, if done so, so transmission by regular mail is required. The Secretary shall mail notices as required to members regarding removal for non-payment of dues or non-attendance at meetings. The Secretary shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair or the Committee.
2.4 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain by standing accounting practices a set of account books for the Committee, including bank account(s) as needed. The Treasurer shall receive, and deposit funds collected by or for the Committee, in conjunction with the Chair and the Secretary as determined by the Chair. The Treasurer shall pay immediately all bills and other authorized items as approved by the Committee. The Treasurer shall file all Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) and Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports as required and provide copies of the reports to the Secretary to be retained as permanent records of the Committee.
2.5 Additional officers may be elected as needed and may include Second Vice Chair, Corresponding Secretary, and Parliamentarian. Duties for these additional officers shall be designated at the time of their appointment, approved by a majority of the members, at a general meeting of YCDCC.
SECTION 1. This Committee shall meet on the second Monday of each month, unless otherwise decided by a majority of voting members at the meeting. The meeting may be in person at a location TBD, or via electronic means.
SECTION 2. Written notice of meetings shall be distributed by any means, not less than four days prior to the scheduled meeting, including the agenda for the meeting.
SECTION 3. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) voting members.
SECTION 4. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order; Revised.
SECTION 5. All meetings shall be conducted according to the Democratic Party Code of Conduct, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
1.1 Any member or alternate, who during his/her term registers as a member of another party, publicly advocates that voters do not vote for an endorsed nominee of the Democratic Party for any partisan office or gives support to or endorses the nominee of another party in a partisan race may be removed.
1.2 Any member or alternate who misses three regularly scheduled meetings, in a 12-month period, without a valid excuse shall be removed by vote of the Committee.
1.3 Any member or alternate who fails to pay their dues may be removed.
2.1 Any member or alternate who becomes aware that there has been a violation of the items listed in SECTION 1 may forward a written complaint to the Committee or verbally notify the Committee.
2.2 Upon receipt of a complaint, the Committee may decide whether to pursue an investigation of the matter or take other appropriate action.
2.3 Following an investigation, the Committee may decide whether to submit a recommendation to the full Committee, for removal.
2.4 Member(s) subject to removal for cause shall be notified and given opportunity to respond. The Secretary shall notify the member(s) subject to removal, by mail, at least 30 days in advance of the next meeting.
2.5 Removal from the Committee shall become effective upon a two-thirds vote of the Committee members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
3.1 Grounds for removal shall be the same grounds as ARTICLE VI, SEC 1 above.
3.2 Procedures for removal shall be the same as ARTICLE XI, SEC. 2 above.
SECTION 1. The internal business of the YCDCC shall be done according to Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, and recorded as motions. At a request from any voting member, a roll call vote shall be taken.
SECTION 2. To be enacted, motions must receive a majority vote of the members voting.
SECTION 1. The Committee may pass resolutions on matters of public interest.
SECTION 2. A proposed resolution may be presented to the Committee only at a regular meeting and only by a member or alternate acting instead of a regular member.
SECTION 3. A resolution shall be read and included in the minutes with notice that the resolution will be considered at the next regular meeting.
SECTION 4. A resolution considered, by the Committee as “urgent” may be read and considered at one meeting, if presented in writing. The vote in this circumstance must be a two-thirds vote of members present.
SECTION 1 The official Democratic Party endorsement of candidates for Yuba County, State and national partisan offices shall be the exclusive responsibility of the YCDCC, as provided for in the bylaws of the California Democratic Party.
SECTION 2 No member may use their title as a committee member in advocacy of any candidate for non-partisan office or any position relative to any non-partisan political issue or proposition until receiving consent of the Committee by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting.
SECTION 3 Committee endorsement shall be extended only to registered Democrats and endorsements shall not be given to more candidates than there are seats open for the office in question. No endorsement shall be given prior to the primary election, and then only to the official nominee of the Democratic Party.
SECTION 4 Any member may act in an individual capacity in advocacy of any candidate for local non-partisan office or any position relative to any non-partisan political issue or proposition, provided that the member makes a diligent effort to ensure that their affiliation with this Committee is not disclosed in the context of such advocacy. Failure on this issue may subject the member to removal from the Committee.
SECTION 5 Any person or organization seeking the Committee’s endorsement for an elective office or ballot proposition must make application, in person, before the Committee. After such presentation the Committee shall discuss and decide on the sense of the Committee on the matter at hand. The Committee shall inform the applicant, in writing, as to the decision of the Committee.
SECTION 1 Regular dues for all voting members and alternates, excluding ex-officio members and their alternates, shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per year.
SECTION 2 If a member of alternate is unable to pay dues because of legitimate hardship, the person may confidentially discuss the matter with the Chair, requesting the Chair reduce or waive the dues. The decision of the Chair shall be final.
SECTION 3 Each member shall pay the prescribed dues by the second meeting of each year, or upon appointment to the committee if that occurs after the second meeting.
SECTION 4 Dues are not refundable.
SECTION 5 Members or alternates who are not current in dues and have not received a waiver shall be included in the report of the Treasurer at regular monthly meetings of the YCDCC.
SECTION 6 Members and alternates who have not paid their dues and have not received a waiver, shall lose all voting rights in YCDCC until they become current in the payment of their dues.
SECTION 7 Members and alternates who have not paid their dues and have not received a waiver, may be removed from YCDCC with ten days written notice.
All meetings of YCDCC shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised and/or the California Democratic Party Code of Conduct, hereto attached as Addendum A.
Any Yuba County group, club, corporation, or association of persons that is or purports to be an organization of Democrats may be chartered by this Committee.
SECTION 1 Any organization seeking charter, and have at least 20 members, all of whom are registered Democrats may be chartered by YCDCC.
SECTION 2 Any organization seeking charter must hold meeting at least once every three months.
SECTION 3 Any organization seeking charter must apply for chartering which shall include a list of all members to include name as registered to vote, address as registered to vote, phone numbers; names of all officers and provide a copy of current and active bylaws.
SECTION 4 Any organization seeking charter must provide for the disposition of its t treasury in the event of dissolution or revocation of its charter.
SECTION 5 The applicant organization must endorse and support only Democrats for public office. The Committee Chair shall have the power to suspend the charter if the organization fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of its charter from this Committee. In the event the Chair or the Committee as a whole has a question as to said compliance, a written notice of suspension shall be sent to the chief officer of the organization requesting that a representative of the organization appear at the next meeting of this Committee to show cause as to why the suspension shall not be made permanent.
SECTION 1 All meetings of the Committee shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party, without any reservation. There shall be no test, of any type, other than party affiliation, for membership in the Democratic Party of this Committee.
SECTION 2 Notice of Committee meetings, time, and place shall be publicized in the best manner possible. The Committee shall make every effort to hold meetings in such places that are fully accommodating to all who wish to attend, special consideration must be given to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
SECTION 1 Changes to these bylaws may be proposed by members, in writing, entered into the minutes with the notice that the changes will be considered at the next regular meeting, unless urgent in nature requiring immediate vote of the members in attendance.
SECTION 2 Upon presentation of proposed changes every effort shall be made to make a copy, in writing, of the proposed changes available to every member including those not in attendance at the initial meeting.
SECTION 3 Changes to these bylaws, required by the Democratic party shall be incorporated without the need for a Committee vote.
SECTION 4 Minor changes such as typographical corrections, do not require a vote of the membership, however the corrected copy of the bylaws shall be provided to each member.
The invalidation of any section of these Bylaws or of any YCDCC internal legislation, by California State Law or Bylaws of the California Party or National Democratic Party shall not affect the validity of any other item or section of these Bylaws or any other YCDCC internal legislation.