Of the people, By the people, For the people

Why I’m Running

For far too long, America has benefited those who are privileged. Only a very select few have money, hold power, and they dictate what our government does.

Well, I say, no longer.

We, the people, should have our voices heard, our concerns addressed, and our lives made better by our government. Abraham Lincoln, honoring those who shed blood in Gettysburg, said that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. And so this Congress should be the people’s Congress, our Congress. I am running to help make it so.

5 Pillars of our Campaign

  • Healthcare for Americans: Medicare for all
  • Education for Americans: Free public colleges and universities, and trade schools
  • Security for Americans: Protect Social Security, the polled workers rights, and a universal basic income to provide economic security for all Americans
  • Safety for Americans: A healthy and safe environment that promotes the well-being of all Americans
  • Care for Americans: A nation that puts the welfare of all Americans first, rather than the profiteering of billionaires

About Me: Rose Penelope Yee

I am the CEO of Green Retirement, a California benefit corporation focused on fossil-free and socially and environmentally responsible 401K’s. I hold both Civil Engineering and Masters in Business Management degrees.

Fun Facts: I knit my own sweaters,  I love anchovies on pizza,  I Can’t Sing, not even in the shower

The Yuba County Democratic Central Committee Endorses Rose Penelope YEE for Congress District 1

To learn more, go to https://roseforcongress.com/