On July 20, 2024, we hosted a Backyard Meet and Greet with CD 3 Congressional Candidate, Jessica Morse, and District 3 Assembly Candidate, Aaron Draper

Approximately 40 people gathered in Browns Valley to hear from two Candidates. Guests contributed to a great potluck lunch and had a chance to mingle and share ideas.

Aaron Draper is a native of the North State and has firsthand experience with the issues that affect us. He is running for California State Assembly to provide vision instead of division to our community and speak to the issues that matter to all of us.  He shared his vision for our state and local communities with us. He wants to see more transparency in State Government. Transparency promotes accountability. He said that we should all demand an annual itemized statement on how the State has used our tax money, as they do in Australia. His main focus, though, is on local issues. He is dedicated to ensuring that our community has access to quality education, affordable housing, and energy independence. He believes strongly in the benefit of listening to the ideas of local people and their solutions to local problems.

Aaron does not feel bound to always vote with the national party, but rather will vote in the best interests of his constituents. Aaron was well received. He is very likeable and fit in well with the community. He will work to bring people together around issues that matter to all of us.

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Jessica Morse spoke about her work in Iraq, and her work as Deputy Secretary at the California Natural Resources Agency. She detailed some of the steps that she took in order to cut through the bureaucratic red tape to get things done quickly, after being told the process would take years.

Jessica will be a force in Congress for wildfire prevention. She worked on the ground with Cal Fire, loggers, and environmental leaders to help design and implement a California-wide wildfire prevention initiative that became a national model. It also was fiscally responsible. Within the first year of the program, a $1 billion investment had established 1,200 wildfire safety projects, like fuel breaks, throughout the state. Despite a larger number of wildfires from the year before, there was a significant reduction in the acres burned, dropping from 2.4 million acres burned in 2021 to 360,000 acres in 2022. This $1 billion investment in prevention resulted in a roughly $2 billion savings in the emergency fire suppression fund from the year before. These are the kinds of responsible strategies that will help us protect our environment and the financial well-being of both our local community and the nation. Her opponent, Kevin Kiley, voted against these investments.

Jessica is aligned with the Democratic Party in its support for Social Security and Medicare. She recognizes the issues faced by seniors and the need to strengthen and preserve these essential programs, while her opponent has supported the proposals of the Republican Party to cut benefits and raise the age of retirement.

Since the fall of Roe, the fight for Reproductive rights has become a high profile topic. Kevin Kiley’s voting record reveals that he is in lock step with those pushing for a Nationwide abortion ban. On the other hand, in Congress, Jessica will be a champion of Women’s Reproductive Rights. The health of pregnant women and even the ability to conceive through IVF is at stake. Jessica not only cares about the health of Mothers-to-be, but she cares about the children after they are born. The high cost of childcare is a problem she is passionate about. Jessica is committed to not only finding solutions to these issues, but she also has the ability to implement them. Jessica inspired the crowd.

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