On Sunday, July 14th, people from Sutter, Colusa, and Yuba Counties met our with our Endorsed Candidate, Rose Yee at Guache Aquatic Park in Yuba City. She is running for congress in District 1 against LaMalfa.

Rose explained why she is running on her flyer:

“For far too long, America has benefited those who are privileged. Only a very select few have money, hold power, and they dictate what our government does.

Well, I say, no longer.

We, the people, should have our voices heard, our concerns addressed, and our lives made better by our government. Abraham Lincoln, honoring those who shed blood in Gettysburg, said that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. And so this Congress should be the people’s Congress, our Congress. I am running to help make it so. “

On Sunday, she addressed our need for single payer healthcare, Student loan forgiveness, Reproductive rights, and Social Security. She discussed the Republican Project 2025 and more. Rose immigrated to the US from the Philippines, so she knows what it is like to live under a repressive dictatorship. Here in California, she is a leader in the socially-responsible business movement, and in green retirement funds. She holds a weekly zoom meeting with voters where she listens to them about concerns that they would like our Government to address. Rose will represent the people in congress, not the wealthy donors and corporations.

Let’s get together to Elect Rose and Kick LaMalfa Out!