Democrats all over CD3 kicked off Father’s Day weekend with a strong show of support for Reproductive Freedom. Rallies took place in 9 locations from Quincy to Mammoth Lakes. Yuba Dems and other supporters stood at the corner of Marysville Rd. and Highway 20 in Browns Valley. The response from passers-by was overwhelmingly positive. We had lots of thumbs ups, peace signs, shouts and honking horns showing support. One shouted, “Glad to see there are sane people around here!”

Click the link below to read Jessica’s position on Reproductive Healthcare.


To Contrast with Kiley:

  • Safe Access
    • Jessica – Endorsed by Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom for All
    • Kiley – Endorsed by the California Pro-Life Council, which supports a national abortion ban.
  • Healthcare
    • Jessica – Believes women should have access to the medical care they need while pregnant
    • Kiley – Voted in favor of stripping away medical licenses of doctors who provide abortions (AB 2626).
  • Privacy
    • Jessica – Believes healthcare decisions should be determined by a woman and her doctor.
    • Kiley – Voted to violate medical privacy by allowing tech companies to disclose private healthcare data to out-of-state law enforcement agencies (AB2091).

Kevin Kiley’s Anti-Choice Record

Kevin Kiley has a long history of voting against reproductive freedom while in the California legislature, and even supporting the criminalization of patients and their doctors. His radical ideas were relatively harmless as long as he remained in the minority, in the California Assembly.

Kiley voted against CA Prop 1, which enshrined reproductive freedom in the California Constitution. Instead, he supports leaving healthcare and family-planning decisions vulnerable to the will of politicians. Fortunately, Californians passed Prop 1 by a wide margin.

In 2022, Kiley was elected to the US Congress and is now in the majority. With his record of opposing reproductive freedom, he cannot be trusted to make decisions for all Americans.  Kevin Kiley is out of step with the values of his district and this country.

Kiley’s Scorecard

  • Rated 100% by the California Pro-Life Council in every legislative session. This group opposes all abortions, with NO exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother.
  • Rated 0% by Planned Parenthood in 2022. This group believes that reproductive and healthcare decisions should be left up to the individual. 
  • Grade F by NARAL Pro-Choice California in 2022. This group is part of the oldest existing pro-Choice political organization in the US.

Kiley Opposes Freedom

  • Voted against enshrining reproductive freedom in the California Constitution (CA Proposition 1).
  • Voted against protecting patients and providers from civil liability judgments for providing reproductive health care in California, when the claims are based on laws in other states  (AB1666). Kiley supports criminalization of patients and doctors.
  • Voted against expanding access to abortion for low-income Californians by reducing exorbitant co-pays and out-of-pocket costs (SB 245).

Kiley Supports Oppression

  • Voted to criminalize doctors and patients in the misleadingly named ‘Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act’ (HR 26). This is a cheap and insulting attempt at stripping people of their healthcare decisions.
  • Voted to violate medical privacy by allowing California tech companies to disclose private healthcare data to out-of-state law enforcement agencies (AB2091).
  • Voted against AB2223, which protects women from criminal prosecution in the event of miscarriage or self-induced abortion. This suggests Kiley would support a criminal investigation into all miscarriages and self-induced abortions.
  • Voted in favor of stripping away medical licenses of doctors who provide abortions (AB 2626).

It’s time to Kick-Out Kiley!