On Saturday, Jan. 18th, residents of Yuba, Sutter, Nevada and other counties converged at Washington Square in Marysville to show the strength of a feminist-led progressive movement, its communities and networks – and to stand up for reproductive freedoms, families, and our futures – at a time when community involvement is critical to both absorbing new organizers into the movement and providing a network and on-ramp to the movement for people at the local level.
The action was in conjunction with People’s Marches across the country, anchored by a collection of coalitions and movements that gathered people across the country and in Washington, D.C.

Do you remember? On the very first day of Donald Trump’s presidency, MILLIONS of Marchers took to the streets to tell him and his malevolent band of misogynist misfits: We will outlast you. We will defeat you. We will never back down. We’re renewing our commitment to this fight.
WE ARE HERE, WE WILL DEFEND OUR RIGHTS, and WE ARE NOT GOING BACK! We held our signs proudly, waved, smiled at the cars passing by, Sang protest songs and chants. We were joined by people from as far away as Monterrey. Even passers-by joined us. Many thanks to the Feather River Democratic Club, The Nevada County Women’s Club and Members of Sons of Liberty for your support.